blog author

Hemok Wang

Hey! Hemok here, a vaping enthusiast with a passion for helping people quit smoking. My uncle was diagnosed with lung cancer a few years ago after smoking for more than 40 years. I do understand that quitting smoking isn't only a physical issue but also a mental one. It's just hard to go "cold turkey". I believe that vaping is one of the best solutions to make the switch only if you do it in the right way, and that's why I am here to share :)

Vaping Devices

What Are the Best Vapes for Nicotine Salt?
Hemok Wang Apr 17, 2024
For several years now, nicotine salt e-liquid is been one of the biggest success stories in the ...
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Vaping 101

What Are the Different Types of Vapes?
Hemok Wang Apr 15, 2024
Vaping devices have increased so greatly in features and variety over the past few years that it ...
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Vaping 101

What Does a Vape Smell Like?
Hemok Wang Mar 28, 2024
When it comes to smoking, just about everyone can agree on one thing: It smells terrible. Even many ...
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Vaping 101

How Long Does a Vape Last?
Hemok Wang Mar 5, 2024
Without a doubt, one of the biggest benefits of vaping vs. smoking is the fact that making the ...
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Quit Smoking

Coughing or Sore Throat from Vaping? Here’s What to Do
Hemok Wang Mar 4, 2024
Tens of millions of people around the world have used vaping to help themselves quit smoking, and ...
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Vape Guides

Brand-New Disposable Vape Not Working? Here’s the Fix
Hemok Wang Mar 1, 2024
You’ve just unwrapped a new disposable vape, and you’re looking forward to sitting down and ...
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Vape Guides

Ohms Too High Error? Here’s How to Fix It
Hemok Wang Jan 20, 2024
You’re ready to sit down and enjoy a session with your vape, and everything’s all set up and ready ...
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