April is a crucial month for vapers and smokers in the UK. Public Health England continues to advise that vaping is 95% less harmful than smoking cigarettes. Unfortunately, giving up smoking is one of the most challenging things a person can do. Some smokers are unaware that vaping may be more effective than traditional nicotine alternatives.
Even though the amount of smokers continues to decrease, around 13-16% of adults in the UK still smoke. As a community, we always take cigarette addiction seriously, as it’s something the majority of vapers have experienced.
What is VApril?
The United Kingdom Vaping Industry Association (UKVIA) created VApril to increase public awareness about the dangers of smoking and to inform the public about vaping. VApril is a month-long initiative that works to raise awareness and share ideas about reducing cigarette consumption worldwide.
Innokin is proud to have been a part of VApril for the past three years. Giving up cigarettes and creating a smoke-free life is challenging. Many factors play into a person’s decision to smoke. Our mission is to provide smokers with a less harmful alternative. Our goal is clear. We want to create a smoke-free world where cigarettes are a thing of the past.
Innokin is running a campaign to encourage more people to quit smoking on its website. Tell us a little bit about yourself and your personal vaping experience. We want to know why you chose to start vaping. Remember, Innokin is here because of you. We make these incredible devices to help people worldwide, and we love hearing success stories from our customers. Your feedback is also vital for others who may want a smoke-free life. Potential vapers must understand that vaping is 95% less harmful than smoking traditional cigarettes.
A beginner's guide to vaping
Innokin has launched a new guide to provide smokers with everything they need to get started. To download the PDF version, click on the button below. Make sure also to read 16 vaping dos and don’ts.
We will be coming out with an extensive vaping guide that will go in-depth into setting up your device and how to best take care of it. We are also creating a vaping glossary to inform people of the many terms in the vaping industry. Innokin is excited to be releasing new content for our website and social media accounts and hopes you enjoy it just as much as we do!
Share your stories with us and win a Sceptre!
Comment below about your personal vaping experience, and let us know why you decided to start vaping.
Global giveaway - everyone can win.
- Must be 18 years or older to enter.
- Only one post per person but no limited shares!
The winner will be announced on innokin.com before April 30th.
Attention: By submitting your personal story, you allow Innokin to share it via its website and social media accounts.
Share this article with a smoker you want to encourage to make the switch. (Buttons below👇)
The Winners
As VApril comes to a close, we would like to thank every person who has taken part in our giveaway. We did not expect so many people to participate. Hundreds of you have written to us and told us about your journeys from smoking to vaping. We are grateful and humbled that you have shared your stories. We are proud to be a part of the vaping community; we are proud to be changing lives.
The vaping community is like no other! Everyone here is looking to improve their lives and seek a better future for themselves and others around them. We do not take our position in this industry lightly. We understand the responsibility we have to develop and make the greatest vapes in the world continuously. We give it our best and never settle for anything less. We will continue to innovate and push the vaping industry further so that together, we can live a smoke-free life.
We are now going to announce the five winners of our VApril 2021 campaign. These five people told us not just how they started vaping but why they started vaping, how it’s affected their lives and others around them.
Congratulations to:
- Tim Renaud
- Joyce Rivers
- John Payne
- Sherrie
- Damir
We are happy you have shared stories with Innokin, and we know other people find your stories inspiring. We will contact you via email; you have five days to respond to our email or forfeit your prize.

Innokin Official
Innokin was founded in 2011, with the goal of combining innovation, design and the highest standards of quality to create the best electronic cigarettes and advanced personal vaporizers in the world.
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